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May 10, 2020
The Church Gathers and God's People Rejoice!
Dear church family, It is such a joy to anticipate meeting together again on May 24th, Lord willing! It is a foretaste of the Day of the...
May 8, 2020
God's Word Guides
Dear church family, We are being bombarded with claim and counterclaim about Novel Coronavirus and how we should respond. It is...
May 7, 2020
Trust God's Sanctifying Grace
Dear church family, Several people in our church are walking through significant trials right now. May this reminder from Paul Tripp be a...
May 6, 2020
Loving the Aged
Dear church family, As we hear about so many dying in nursing homes, and the broad cultural response to the situation, it is a reminder...
May 5, 2020
Rejoice in the Lord
Dear church family, Ten years ago I was called as a pastor in this church. I was so happy! Being a vocational pastor was something that I...
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