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Apr 1, 2020
The Great Salvation We Have in Christ
Dear church family, I was reminded again today of the glorious Gospel from Isaiah 53. May this be a great comfort to you! Yours on behalf...
Mar 31, 2020
Outdo One Another in Showing Honour
Dear church family, It is such a blessing to see the way you are seeking to bless and encourage one another. You are encouraging me!...
Mar 28, 2020
Encourage One Another
Dear church family, Rather than my seeking to encourage you this evening I wanted to give you the opportunity to encourage one another...
Mar 27, 2020
How Are You Spending your Time?
Dear church family, Many of us have extra time and all of us have disrupted schedules while we are on COVID-19 quarantine. What are you...
Mar 27, 2020
The Badness of the Bad News and the Goodness of the Good News
Dear church family, This is a Gospel message. But please don't tune out, saying "I don't need evangelism, I'm a Christian." The word...
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